[caption id="" align=“alignright” width=“173” caption=“Ill.: Bartosz Kosowski / Perspective”]20120328-150550.jpg[/caption]

Flyktningehjelpens magasin/blekke Perspective (nr 1/12) vier flere gode spaltemetre til temaer knyttet til kvinners situasjon i konfliktområder, og viktigheten av at alle berørte parter inkluderes i utarbeidelsen av gode fredsavtaler. Som det heter i lederen:

Sustainable peace agreements must address not only, the immediate questions of ceasefire and border demarcations, but also the conflict issues that may arise in everyday life, such as property rights or access to water. Women are often better placed than men to address many of these issues. Since 1999, however, the signatures of women are only to be found on three per cent of peace accords and only ten per cent of peace negotiators have been women.